Due to google giving up on this site, removing the main page from its listings and so forth I am going to leave this blog for purely personal topics.
I have created a topical news blog at I'm a Pundit
27 March 2008
I'm a Pundit
Rambled About by
8:34 pm
1 Layabouts
An Msn Conversation I Just Had
Heathery says:
Haha, 'dear blog, today reveals the horrifying truth that a girl in a far away land wasted away infront of her computer screen after having showed her a picture of my man area*'
Heathery says:
'I then patted myself, that'l do bob, that'l do. Then settled to watch some usual suspects '
*I did not infact show her my man area we were just discussing what would happen if I did.
Rambled About by
1:10 am
1 Layabouts
Labels: Random Chat
I dont know if insomnia hits many people but I am yet again finding myself unable to sleep.
I lay in bed, eyes closed. Every so often I look over to see 20 or so minutes have passed.
Its kind of weird, I feel so tired and yet my body refuses to shut down, even for a few hours.
Insomnia is definately weird, I dont know if any treatment exists but right now im thinking of popping down to tescos for some knockout pills.
Has anyone else suffered from this?
I tried counting sheep but when i got to 78 I had a sudden urge for lamb balti so I stopped.
Rambled About by
12:55 am
Labels: Insomnia, sleep deprivation, tiredness
18 March 2008
12 March 2008
St Patricks Day
It seems that this years St Patricks Day is infact on the 15th, making it a saturday night, not amonday night. This means I get to lay in this St Patricks day!!!
Rambled About by
4:34 pm
Labels: St Patricks Day
11 March 2008
Raid on YAFA (York Action for Animals) In York
Police raided undisclosed locations in York two nights ago and arrested two individuals on charges of harassment. This has been labelled as a terrorist activity due to their membership of York Action for Animals (YAFA) a group that has strong organisations with the ALF (Animal Liberation Front) Who have been responsible for everything from Arson attacks all the way to stealing the remains of a deceased grandmother in order to exert their twisted view of the world upon everyone. ALF have been labelled as terrorist threat by both UK and American Governments.
The YAFA group has been recently linked to the ALF in several ways, from them having a key note speaker who in his past set off a bomb which severely disabeld a young child, all the way to more recent items such as promotion of the ALF on its website (And from the ALF to YAFA) Along with YAFA members writing on the ALF website on topics such as how to hide evidence when planning future illegal opperations.
While I do not condone animal cruelty the YAFA has always seemed to me to be a horrific waste of time and resource. The group regularly goes after soft targets where in most cases they make no difference for a slight push of publicity. At the same time they could have raised money for all kinds of causes .
The ALF is even worse, a terrorist group that values animals lives as more important as humans.
The YAFA has little knowledge of the inside workings of a farm, when questioned hard enough they seem to be unable to comprehend that farmers need to keep animals fit and healthy to turn a profit, and that the aniomals are worth a fair whack and well looked after because of that
When I queried a YAFA member as to whether she had ever worked on a farm before because her knowledge of how animals were looked after seemed to be based on an aged and to be honest completely incorrect view she admitted that she had not, but then she had the gall to say my view was limited because I have only seen the inside of a few farms!
Please tell me how you can justify having no knowledge on a subject is correct and having some knowledge and trying to correct the person with none is (And I quote) 'ignorant'.
Once you get to that stage they bring in the slaughter house, saying how the animals get frightened because they can smell blood, please give me one plausible way how you vould get around that?
The whole meat processing process now has incredibly stringent controls on how animals are treated, they are subject to the least possible stress and harm in the entire production. Not that long ago the animals where put through a lot of pain and suffering which has now been removed to a great extent in the uk.
Another great example of the YAFAs complete inability to even look at facts contradictory to their own is how a police statement over teh dawn raids this week says
"They were suspected of harassment "relating to an incident connected to a restaurant in York". "
""We understand that these complaints do not relate to our demonstrations, and the two individuals deny any wrongdoing," he said. "
Which were co-incidentaly outside said restauraunt.
I have real trouble accepting that a foundation that seems to run on the basis of facism, where any comment contrary to their beliefs is removed and the perpetrator banned. The foundation of any cause is to debate, explain and support its cause. Not refuse to accept any kind of information that is not in support of what they already believe.
The worst part is that a local councillor (Paul Blanchard) shows strong support for this group, how can a group that has such strong relations with terrorist activity supported by our local government?
Rambled About by
2:35 pm
10 March 2008
Poker Night
It turns out I am not the instant card genius I thought I would be.
After playing poker for the first time on friday I left the building 10 pounds shorter, about 20 insult heavier and with a new life lesson under my belt.
Do not drink 12 bottles of Carlsberg Export when money is at stake.
Rambled About by
10:57 am
06 March 2008
My Brain is Full
The training course I went on was fairly intensive, 2 1/2 days of revision then an exam.
My practice scores were around 35-38 out of 40. I thought I ahd it nailed. Propper exam came, bloody hell it was hard.
Not sure I passed.
Will find out in 2 weeks!
Ahhh well I have some fun filled weekends planned, viva la anglais
Planning my holiday away, cant wait!
Can't think of much to write at the moment, my brain is still fuzzy.
Seeing the girlfriend this weekend, missed the girl have to admit!
Need sleep but i have to work, bah.
Will update properly soon!
Rambled About by
10:13 am