18 December 2006


I slept in today, fortunately Person A wasnt in (Off Ill) And Person B was, who wouldnt tell, the rest of my co workers were also on holiday.

So I though, thank god I might just have got out of this.

Unfortunately Person A emailed in sick to Person B, who then asked Person A in the reply E-Mail if I was on holiday all week.


Looks like I have some time to make up =(


Anonymous said...

Must be the day for it as I was in late today. I hate Mondays !

(and Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays)

Holly said...

I had Tuesday and Wednesday off as leave, but have come in today and wish I had taken the whole week off but no leave left! Boo, at least I have the whole of next week off...yippeeee!

Holly said...

Merry Christmas Oli, hope you have a good one!!

Anonymous said...

awk! so true about the debt bit. just discovered your blog from a comment you left on Scott's blog. Good work! I'm spending my workday reading up on your workday. leaving a comment as requested.