Amsterdam, the city of red lights, green lights, and waggamamma. Yes, I am there!
My fiancee and I have toured a fair amount of the city, from the small markets, to the red light district. The red light district is not as seedy as I expected, the window girls have their underwear on, I have not been mugged yet, but the smoking is FANTASTIC!
Anyhow, I will be returning shortly with a more indepth story of my times here!
24 October 2009
Currently in Amsterdam
Rambled About by
10:34 am
1 Layabouts
10 October 2009
08 October 2009
It's been a while!
My posts seem to have slipped from the daily, to the weekly and finally to the monthly. This is not intentional, but my life has slipped in to a slight ditch of monotony, with factory work, sleeping, and eating comprising the majority of my time. While I do try to stay on top of things it is not always easy, especially when I am trying to foster a writing career.
So I guess I should fill my few remaining readers in!
I have been accepted for the process on my new American visa, now I just have to prove that my relationship with Jade is real. Her website ( is doing really well right now, and she seems to be getting some good freelance catering work sorted.
Apart from the boredom, and spending 3 months away from the woman I love, things are pretty much ok, while my life may not directly be progressing anywhere, things are moving forward for my future life in America onwards.
Oh, and Manic, give me access to your blog!
If you want to see something pretty funny, check out for the latest post, which shows a chav getting knocked to the floor by a man who he had been verbaly abusing and pushing for nearly three minutes. The chav who acted so hard gets knocked to the ground in one punch, and then crawls away, not quite so up for the fight as he had been moments before.
Rambled About by
11:42 am
1 Layabouts